Davening as Creativity

There is a widespread stigma about davening that it’s an attempt at appeasing the Creator.

Even in its more theologically-aware form, it becomes merely a last resort akin to the things you say audibly to yourself when your browser freezes in the moments leading up to an important deadline, albeit with more gesticulation and diffuse lighting.

It may be true that people pray like that, but is there more to it?

Is Davening Meditation?

I guess the question is: what’s meditation?

If meditation is essentially “deliberate (or directed) thought”, then everything in life can be meditation. This, you might realize, is the backbone of modern mindfulness, but it’s also the definition of every intellectual discipline.

Basically, if you are conscious and intentional, you are meditating.

Prayer is focus, intention, and the practice of intimate introspection and transcendence. So yes, even without all the research about prayer and wellness, davening is essentially meditation.

Is Davening Like Mugging HaShem?

I should hope not. That probably wouldn’t work anyway.

Here’s the thing: life doesn’t work however you want. With some experience and maturity, you realize that’s a good thing. We often have no idea what we actually need, because we have no idea how the endless factors and forces of existence actually work. In fact, with all our knowledge, we don’t even understand physicality or the human mind.

So why not just affirm the fact that we don’t know anything, surrender that we’re powerless to change existence, and not pray at all?

Because davening is more than requests and flattery. Davening is about recreating and nurturing yourself.

Harnessing Raw Willpower

You know what happens when you let yourself be aware of a higher reality? You start to think in that reality. Ultimate truths become your truths. Transcendent logic becomes your logic.

But to get to any ideal, you have to climb from where you stand now.

As a human being, I stand in physicality, bound by time and a tiny perspective. How could I possibly talk to the Infinite One? What does the purpose of the universe have to do with me? I know one thing: I’m tired and empty and need something. 

So I complain like a child: “Please; I need this. Show me you love me. Please.”

And then I wonder: What do I even need this for? Maybe my family. Why is my family so important? We have lives to live; beautiful, meaningful lives. And I just want to do the right thing. I love them. I want them to be happy.

5 minutes. 10 minutes. A half hour of visceral, purposeful meditations. I direct myself. I align everything with one purpose, with Creation, with the Infinite One.

Do it as often as you can. Daven when you’re thankful, too. But never, ever forget to redefine your life from a deep, vulnerable place, and always, always seek to create the world with your eyes to the Infinite.