Keep Asking Why

"Why?" is such a simple word. But it's also a cheat code to get straight to your soul.

See, you may have seen me talk about the concept that spirituality is knowing that there's something beyond the surface of our lives. The deeper we live, the better. 

But often, we don't have he tools ready to dig deep enough to find the root of what we're working on. Getting an outsider's perspective, meditating, analyzing data, and learning new things are all great ways to dig a little deeper, but if you can train yourself to ask "why" for everything you encounter, you'll have an incredibly powerful way to dig straight down to the essence.

Consider this example:

"I'm struggling to be patient with my kids."


"They always want my attention, but I can't give them enough."


"I just have so many things on my mind at once that I can't be present."


"I dunno. Maybe I can try turning off my phone."

In this scenario, we asked why only 3 times, but we got to a point where some hidden assumptions magically surfaced. Even better, by that point, those assumptions kind of fell apart upon simple inspection. It seemed obvious to our sincere parent that it must be impossible to give his/her kids the desired attention and connection, but it was really just a matter of compartmentalizing and making a single change to be more present.

Now, not only will those kids get more critical bonding, but they probably won't even need as much time as before, because the attention they're getting is authentic, focused, and loving. And think about how much happier Mom or Dad is! 

"Why" works wonders any time you need to get the bottom of something about yourself and the way you view the world. 

Try experimenting and going deeper with some of these prompts (and keep asking why until you get to something meaningful for you):