Worth Fighting For

Yishuv HaDaas is possibly the most precious asset you can have.

Translated as "Settling of the Awareness", this is your peace of mind. It's that feeling of stillness within yourself that allows you to be grounded in yourself and in the present, and make decisions from a place of clarity and equanimity, rather than emotional reactivity.

You might consider this a luxury because it can be so challenging to achieve, but I'm here to suggest that Yishuv HaDaas is your key to everything.

All the blessing waiting to be revealed and poured upon you might depend on your ability to find peace within the inevitable chaos of your life.

That's a big assertion.

But I believe it.

Think about it for a minute: what is making your life hard right now? Is it the problem itself, or how much it overwhelms you and makes you feel like things are out of control?

You're stuck inside a hurricane right now. But imagine if you could be in the calm eye of the storm, merely an observer rather than the debris being blown around in it?

You'd be able to feel "OK", or maybe even content or happy. Wouldn't that be miraculous?

You could choose your next steps in the comfort of your own space. You could see clearly what is in your control to change, and then make the changes you want when you want.  Actual free will!

To become a vessel, you have to hold still and be at peace within yourself.

Once you taste it, you'll realize this is something worth fighting for (nicely), worth protecting, worth keeping with you always. 

The way each person achieves Yishuv HaDaas might be different, but here are some prompts to get you started: